Wednesday Night Outreach
6:30 PM, Choir Practice (except 3rd Wednesday of the month)
We will resume our monthly services at The Oaks at Hampton on Wednesday, October 16 2024 at 6:30.
For those new to the church, prior to Covid, we visited Chestnut Ridge in Cumming where we sang, then there was a message delivered by our Pastor or whoever he asked to be in charge. The services will be the 3rd Wednesday of every month unless notified otherwise. Looking forward to starting this tradition again. All are welcome!!!
Circle of Prayer
Circle of Prayer meets on the third Thursday of each month. Join if you can in the fellowship hall or if you would like to join by phone, please let Michelle Mooney or Charles Grindle know. If you would like for them to include a specific prayer request, please reach out to one of them. Circle of Prayer has prayer for all of the church activities such as Sunday school, revivals, each service, vacation bible school, church camp, our pastor, and especially those that don’t know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Master, sister churches and much more! This is a very spiritual filled prayer time we so much enjoy! Please feel free to join us in lifting up the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!
VBS 2024 – June 2 – 6
CRBC Church Camp